Black-Eyed Susan Book
Katrina CD
Author Highlights:
DEMETRA "TITA" BAKAS is a lifelong learner that enjoys sharing her wit, wisdom, and discovery through creativity and the arts.

Her first book, Black-eyed Susan: A Story of Hope for Children and Families debuted February 2000. Chosen by the Greensboro Task Force to Reduce Family Violence as an educational awareness tool for elementary and middle grade children (ages 6-13), Ms. Bakas gives school, church, and civic presentations of her book with anti-violence emotional awareness workshops.

Accompanying the book is the song, "Peace for My Family." A Teacher's and Parent's Manual with a Healthy Emotions Workbook is soon to be released.

Black-Eyed Susan Book

New Release: Animal Totem Songs CD Tita and the Traveling Totems

Sing along with animal totem songs. Meet the animal characters, learn about their totems, join the family fun for all ages.

Rated: clean and fun

Animal Totem Songs CD

For bookings of Tita and the Traveling Totems Band or Miss Tita, Story Teller
call 336-288-6354
or out of Greensboro NC:
TOLL FREE: 1-877-587-2302
or e-mail:

Demetra "Tita" Bakas is Regional Workshop Coordinator for
NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International.

Tita is also a member of the WGOT (Writer's Group of the Triad)
Children's Writers subgroup and former President of WGOT.

Author's Bio | Black Eyed-Susan Book / Audio Tape | Animal Totem Songs CD

Author's Bio Black Eyed-Susan Book Animal Totem Songs Animal Totem Songs